Alimak Scando 650 24/32 FC


Bygghissar Säve Hyrmaskiner

Kapacitet 2000 kg / 24 personer. Mått invändigt i korgen:  Produktblad. image_pdf. Artikelnr ALS650 Kategori Bygghissar Taggar Alimak, bygghiss, materialhiss, personhiss.

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ALIMAK SCANDO 650 Construction Hoists YOUR HOIST HAS: Manufacturing No.: Year: Part No. 9100272 - 1 08 2008 - 05 - 27 If the bottom right corner of this book is cut, the book is only valid for illustrative use! This manual is only applicable if the manufacturing number indicated below corresponds to the manufacturing number stamped on the The Alimak Scando 650 XL range of construction hoists provides the optimal solution for the vertical transportation of bulky materials. Featuring large payload capacities and large car sizes, the Alimak Scando 650 XL range drives productivity on construction sites. På Mascus Sverige finner du Alimak Scando 650 begagnad personlift och övriga liftar. Priset för denna Alimak Scando 650 är - och den tillverkades 2007.

The Alimak Scando 650 operates at speeds up to 65 m/min and provides more hoistpower, while using as much as 40% less power than previous models.

Alimak Hek en pigg 65-åring, Affärstidningen Näringsliv 2013-5

Alimak har tagit bygghisstekniken till nya höjder med lanseringen av det helt nya modulsystemet Alimak SC 65, som kan anpassas till olika uppgifter med relativt få moduler och komponenter. Alimak is the world's leading provider of rack and pinion vertical access equipment for both temporary and permanent installations. We provide a number of solutions and … Alimak Scando 650 The Alimak Scando 650 is the world’s most popular construction hoist with the optimal payload, speed and car sizes for a range of construction projects.

Alimak 650

AB Alimak Group Hek, Blekholmstorget 30, Stockholm

The ALIMAK MC 650 is a powerful new mast climbing work platform system engineered and manufactured in Sweden. This new system offers the best ratio of performance and quality for global use in the heavy range of applications. Payload capacities from 2,230 kg to 7,240 kg and platform dimensions vary from 4.4 m to 41.8 m.

Alimak 650

Teknisk data. Max korglast: 1900 kg. Max Lyfthöjd: 200 m. Hisskorgensbredd  Alimak levererade 18 Scando 650 bygghissar till uthyrningsföretaget Compass Equipment i Nevada, som har kontrakt med byggherren för  On the cover: A vertical sliding C-door of an Alimak construction hoist before assembly. Contents A building site hoist Scando 650 with the  Industrial Elevators. ARIAM Ascenseurs (Distributor) Rés. Al Mouahidine Rue 2 n° 312. Bd la grande Ceinture Hay Mohammadi - Casablanca.
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Alimak 650

Payload capacities from 2,230 kg to 7,240 kg and platform dimensions vary from 4.4 m to 41.8 m. Alimak Hek is the world's leading provider of rack and pinion vertical access equipment for both temporary and permanent installations. We provide a number of solutions and continued services through after sales support. ALIMAK SCANDO 650 Construction Hoists YOUR HOIST HAS: Manufacturing No.: Year: Part No. 9100272 - 1 08 2008 - 05 - 27 If the bottom right corner of this book is cut, the book is only valid for illustrative use!

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Speed 38 - 65 m/min. Max. lifting height 250/400 m.* Car width (internal) 1.5  Alimak 650 Hoists · Manchester Civil Justice Centre 650 25-32 FC 01 · Manchester Civil Justice Centre 650 25-32 FC 02 · Manchester Hardman Square Project  May 14, 2019 Maxim Crane Works has placed another large order for the new Alimak Scando 650 construction hoists to strengthen its USA based hoist  The new ALIMAK SCANDO 450 is a total upgrade of the ALIMAK CH construction hoist range first launched in 1998.

Alimak  Alimak, Tornborg, Scanclimber Viktklass: 1000 kg, 1200 kg, 2100 kg Volym: Bredd 1,40, längd 3,20 höjd, 2,20. Bilden visar en Alimak Scando 650.