Aker ASA: Invitation to Aker Companies 2016 investor day


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Upon completion of such acquisition, Lars Solbakken will own, directly or indirectly, 1,640,880 shares in the Company. Marius Magelie, SVP Finance & Investor Relations, has through his wholly owned company MGM Invest Se hela listan på xn--vstkustinvesteraren-gwb.se Investor Relations contact: Marius Magelie (SVP Finance & IR), Tel +47 24 13 01 82. Company information: Ocean Yield ASA is a ship owning company with investments in vessels on long-term charters. The company has a significant contract backlog that offers visibility with respect to future earnings. Stock analysis for Ocean Yield ASA (OCY:Oslo) including stock price, stock chart, company news, key statistics, fundamentals and company profile.

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Aktieägare i de relaterade bolagen äger också aktier i Ocean Yield. Andelen 38 % anger hur många av American Shipping Company-ägarna som även har Ocean Yield i sin portfölj. Informationen bygger på … Atlantica Yield provides information to its investors and shareholders. Investor Relations documents and public releases Investor Relations contact: Marius Magelie (SVP Finance & Investor Relations), Tel +47 24 13 01 82. Company information: Ocean Yield ASA is a ship owning company with investments in vessels on long-term charters. The company has a significant contract backlog that offers visibility with respect to future earnings and dividend capacity.

2014 – mar.

Joint venture with Aker Capital - Ocean Yield - Cision News

Ocean Yield is a shipping and transportation company. The company organizes itself into six segments: tankers, container vessels, car carriers, other shipping, other oil service, and FPSO (floating, production, storage, and offloading vessels). 2021-04-12 · Investor Relations Global Contacts Ocean Yield ASA OCY Morningstar Rating Rating as of Apr 12, 2021. Quote Stock Investor Relations contact: Marius Magelie (SVP Finance & IR), Tel +47 24 13 01 82.

Ocean yield investor relations

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Ocean Yield Q3 2020 Presentation Investor Relations contact: Marius Magelie (SVP Finance & Investor Relations), Tel +47 24 13 01 82.

Ocean yield investor relations

Marius Magelie SVP Finance & Investor Relations mm[spamfilter]oceanyield.no Ocean Yield Malta Limited +356 212 42 722 post@oceanyield Investor Relations contact: Marius Magelie (SVP Finance & Investor Relations), Tel +47 24 13 01 82.

Ocean yield investor relations

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-1.3. -0.2. -2.4. 1 Dec 2014 OS Installer AS is a newly established joint venture between Ocean Yield ASA ( 75%) and SBM Offshore (25%).
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Marius Magelie – Head of Investor Relations. Lars Solbakken – Chief Executive Investor Relations contact: Marius Magelie (SVP Finance & Investor Relations), Tel +47 24 13 01 82.

"Oslo (TDN Direkt): Finansdirektør Eirik Eide i Ocean Yield sier markedet for tiden er https://www.oceanyield.no/Investor-Relations/Press-releases/Arbitration-  Better Collective Q4 2020 Results. Investors. The main purpose of Better Collective's Investor Relations  Den här sidan ger en fördjupad profil av Ocean Yield, inklusive en allmän Marius Magelie, 38, -, Senior Vice President Finance & Investor Relations (IR). OCEAN YIELD KOMMER: Ocean Yield ASA har en markedsverdi på Oslo https://www.oceanyield.no/Investor-Relations/Press-releases/Non-  OCY Ocean Yield (OCY) - Teknisk analys - Oslo Börs - Investtech Ocean yield forum Ocean yield investor relations. Lägre riskallokering under  Norilsk nickel stock Norilsk nickel investor relations Norilsk nickel dividend Ocean Yield - The Dividend Yield Company - Äta på Berns.